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Collection: Bowls

Bowls are created through a combination of slab work and coiling. I begin with a slab of wet clay to create the basic roundness of the piece. Once the slab has hardened enough to maintain its shape, I begin to coil. Depending on the size of the bowl I add several coils and continue to form based on the shape I am after. The coiling method allows for tremendous freedom in creating and shaping and it continues to be my most favourite way of working. I form my coils by handrolling long snakes and then flattening these with a rolling pin.

Once the bowl is formed and complete it is trimmed; just before it's leather hard, I incise the pattern into the clay. The bowl is then left to dry completely in preparation for the first firing. After the bisque firing the bowl is glazed and fired one last time.

I work in stoneware and fire in electric kilns to 1260º Celsius. My work is durable and functional and will happily embellish your daily life for years to come when handled with care. The bowls make great soup and noodle ware, they can withstand boiling water, rinsing and scrubbing. They enjoy a trip through the dishwasher, but do not get along with the microwave.

These bowls are created with deep respect for my craft with the intention of adding pleasure to your daily ritual. These bowls are created individually with no two being exactly alike.