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Collection: Vases

As an avid gardener and a lover of floral displays, my vases are created with the intention of adding both beauty and function to your home. I make tall, short, wide, slim and round orb-shaped vases. These offer many different display options. They will appreciate your experiments with both dried or fresh flowers. And they are happy to take breaks from their vase duty and all make nice additions to your interior by their simple presence.

I create vases by using slabs of moist clay and for the orb-shaped forms by coiling. Once shaped, formed and trimmed I incise the pattern into the clay just before they dry to leather hard. Following the completion of the design, the vases are left to dry completely in preparation for the first firing. After the bisque firing, they are glazed and fired one last time.

The vases are created individually with no two being exactly alike. With a deep respect for my craft, I create works to add pleasure to your daily life.